Tree Care and Management
Throughout Norfolk
Anglian Tree works offers Tree Surgery & Forestry through out North Norfolk and further afield.
All work is carried out by Fully trained and certified Staff .
Our clients include Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Constabulary, and many of the larger private estates in Norfolk including a never ending domestic client base.
Since 2001 we have been offering Tree Surgery and Forestry Services in Norfolk and surrounding areas, The business started In Wells Next the sea but operate in many towns such as Norwich, Fakenham, Kings Lynn, Dereham and beyond.
We are proud to be approved Tree work contractors by Norfolk county council
This involved a vetting process being assessed on quality of work and showing we adhere to industry standards.
Tree Services
From Tree Removals to Managing trees with Preservation orders, we've got it covered.
Removal of the whole tree by climbing and dismantling, or precision felling the tree as a whole.
we explore the options of the felling and carry out the necessary work to do this safely and effectively.
Prior to removal we carry out the necessary checks such
* Trees covered by a TPO
* Trees covered under Town and country Conservation Act
* Needing a felling licence for the removal of multiple trees
* Wildlife checks for protected species and nesting birds.
All paper work and applications are filled out by ourselves or we can help assist and provide you with information on filling out the Applications for tree work.
Contact Us for more info
Carried out to the British standard of tree works (BS3998). we carry out Ariel pruning by instructing climbers to prune high up in the canopy of the tree or pruning from the ground.
Below is an examples of pruning methods we carry out.
* Crown Reduction (Overall reducing of the trees canopy)
* Crown Lifting (lifting the lower branches of the canopy)
*Crow Thinning( Remove selective growth from within the crown)
* Pollarding( Pruning to around 2.5meters as a knuckle)
Contact Us for more info
On call for an instant response, we are open all hours to help assist with tree emergencies throughout Norfolk contact us for 24hr tree services.
We are available for all emergency Tree works throughout North Norfolk
Should you have a windblown tree, fallen tree road or Fallen tree on your house.
Call us for your tree emergency for a professionals that can help.
Tel: 07539341166
Tree surveys. we offer the following.
- A walk round survey to identify any obvious and imminent dangers or defects with your trees
- Tree health survey Also Known as a PTI this is more focused and more in depth analysis given an outcome and program of works.
- Road side tree safety reports identifying hazards adjacent to roads.
Grapple saw and Mechancial tree felling Norfolk
Anglian Tree Works has invested in a grapple saw mounted to a merlo Roto.
The machine is suitable for carrying out tree safty works along highways throuout Norfolk and suffolk. Being an approved contractor By Norfolk county council we can help assist with any roadside tree safty concerns you have weather an estate or Home owner.
The advantages of this type of tree felling is endless:
- Safety by removing the climber from dead or dangerous trees. Especially affective with Ash dieback following HSE publication
- Productivity The machine can carry out a vast amount of work in little time reducing labour and increasing production.
- Versatility As the machine has a range of different attachments meaning we can offer more than one service such as our 42 meter Cherry picker
Anglian tree works are the leading company in east anglian For roadside tree works or dealing with boundary trees in forestry blocks.
Contact us about cost effective grapple saw work in Norfolk and suffolk.
Tree preservation orders (TPO) Conservation Areas
TPO (trees preservation order)
Trees are some times protected individual via a TPO (Tree Preservation Order) Anglian Tree Works will survey the tree and give you recomendation in relation to the health of the tree, moving forwards we will seek consent from the local authority and carry out the work as out lined in the application.
Conservation Areas
Applied by the council under town and planning act.
Should you have a tree in a conservation or trees you will need to seek comnsent off the local authority to inform them of the works you would like to carry out. Anglian Tree Works will carry out the consent for the works and carry out the works.
Commercial Tree Works in and around Norfolk
Anglian Tree wroks have been carrying a high standard of tree work throughout Norfolk and further afield for commercial clients.
We have complted tree work for the following
*Norfolk Constabulary (This involved advising and carrying out tree work to help with signal strength of there telecomunications.
*Large Estates around Norfolk and Suffolk
Due to our Knowlage and approach we have work with many estates carrying out Tree safty works / Or Roadside tree safty reports issed By the council. Due to the kit Anglian Tree Works has owned inhouse this makes a very fast and safe delivery of projects. Reducing the overall costs for land owners. we can make work to suit your requierments
*Hornsea 3 Wind farm Project Norfolk
Anglian tree Works was involved in tree work on the Highways in Norfolk and liconshire.
The job entailed working with the police force commercial unit, getting the large infustructre for the windfarm from Boston Docks to Oulton Norfolk.
The canopy of trees had to be lifted along the route of the highways to ensure the infastructure would not get damged. This invocled working with Norfolk highways and Trafficmangment companies.
Forestry Tree work contracting
Anglian Tree works manging your woodlands in norfolk.
woodland owner or land owner we manage woodlands contact us further to discuss
we have things coverd from felling the timber to selling the timber.
Thinning woodlands Norfolk
Clear fell sites Norfolk
Ash dieback Norfolk
Felling licenses Norfolk
Vegitation cleanerance Norfolk
Stump grinding
we have specialist equipment to remove your stumps. call to discuss further
Ash Die Back
Ash die back also known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus has spread from the south of the uk and is spreading North by spores being carried.
The disease was first introduced by importing young (Nursery Trees) and since then has spread causing significant damage not only to Ash trees them selfs by the whole eco system surrounding ash.
Talk to us further to help manage Ash Die back whether the trees are in your back garden or roadside.
Contact the Ashdieback experts Norfolk
Email: angliantreeworks@gmail.com
Based in Norfolk and covering Wells next the sea, Norwich, Dereham, Fakenham, Kings Lynn, Holt, Burnham Market and many more places around Norfolk and The Norfolk Coast
Contact Us
01263 502549 / 07539341166
1 The Croft, Swanton Novers, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR24 2QUMonday - Friday 8 am - 6pm
24 call out emergency01263 502549 / 07539 341166Anglian Tree works Blogs
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The North Norfolk Tree Surgery and forestry services.
Anglian Tree Works